Steel Mill ‐ Scrap Metal ‐ Southeast US

Application Type
Steel Mill – Scrap Metal – Southeast US

Machine Type
60 Ton Haul Truck – OTR Production Equipment

Tire Size & Type
24.00R35 (17.00) Radial Tire

Site Conditions
Scrap trucks round trip distance of 2-3 miles (3-5 km). Maximum Speeds of 10-15 mph (16-24 km/h). Floors crushed stone gravel graded, lots of metal debris hazards. Utilization 24 Hours 365 Days production times vary.

Tire Problem
Pneumatic tire inflation service life averaged 2,500-4,000 hours due to flats and non-repairable failures.

Trojan Solution
Installed Trojan HD Soft Core in Radial Tire on rear axle (4 tires).

Success / Outcome
With Trojan Soft Core, productivity improved greatly by eliminating flat tires. The  Soft Core in each size is reused multiple times for low cost per hour. Soft Core allows the tire life to more than double now averaging between 8,000-10,000 hours as the tire treads are wearing out. Safety no air=no explosive force.