While Trojan Soft Core offers many features and benefits, safety outdoes them all.
Getting right to it, pneumatic tires are an occupational health and safety hazard, plain and simple. When considering workplace safety, tires are often overlooked. But it’s no joke, pneumatic tire explosive force is a real danger and liability. Fatalities and serious injuries can and have occurred with pneumatic tires. Choosing to run mobile equipment with air tires comes at a great risk. For example, if tires are not maintained correctly (running underinflated) and/or if the machine is overloaded it can lead to heat buildup and cause a zipper rupture or sidewall blowout, an instantaneous air loss and explosive force. Other risk factors to consider are road hazards, such as scrap metal, sharp rock, potholes or even a continuous wet environment can make tires vulnerable. Even experienced technicians can make a fatal mistake, why risk it?
Trojan Soft Core tire fill is your solution because it fills the entire cavity to the bead, replacing air. Even though your application may not experience flat tires and you think you do not need a tire fill, please reconsider for key issue of workplace safety. Remember, no air = no explosive force! Soft Core is made of real rubber and is safe to handle, maintains correct pressure and eliminates costly and risky pressure checks. Soft Core flexes with the tire casing to provide a full, even footprint. Soft Core provides stability of a solid but with a ride of a pneumatic. Protect your workers while giving them an air-like ride. Avoid unnecessary serious injury or even death and mandate safety with Trojan Soft Core.