The Fairmont Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto is hosting the first annual forum “Creative Disruption”. This event is in conjunction of Mining Suppliers Trade Association Canada (MSTA Canada) and Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica).
The event will focus on innovative Canadian Technologies, one of them being, Trojan Soft Core. We are the only manufacturer of Soft Core and our facility is located right here in Burlington, Ontario Canada. Trojan Soft Core is a quality industrial/mining tire fill product made of real cellular rubber. It eliminates flat tire downtime, provides an air-like ride for machinery and operator, increases tire life and much more! Do you want the hassle of replacing tires prematurely? Do you want to spend more money with tire replacement due to punctures or another type of tire fill breaking down? Likely not. Get your equipment running efficiently with Trojan Soft Core to increase your productivity with planned maintenance.
With the mining industry constantly changing this forum will allow key contacts to rethink ways of doing business. What *may* be working for you now, may not be the most efficient or economical way of doing it. Change is difficult but if you can think long term and the potential to save money and improve productivity, it will be worth the risk.
November 20 to 21, 2018
Fairmont Royal York Hotel
100 Front St W
Toronto, Ontario Canada